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Get Organized!

Throughout my childhood, and especially in high school, my mother referred to my bedroom as a "pig sty".  My parents bought and sold real estate as a side business with some frequency - we moved every 2-3 years.  This included fixing up older homes, living in them and then selling them, as well as buying land and building houses to suit our needs (and then selling them).  My family got into the groove of moving, which was actually fun since we didn't have to change school systems.  The last house we lived in before I went off to college was one that we had built.  My parents let us each choose our bedroom colors, so of course I chose purple, my sister pink and my brother light blue (I walked in when it was under construction and overheard the contractors describing our combined color choices as "vomitous")... but I digress.  The state of my bedroom was a source of ongoing frustration for my mother, though it didn't bother me one bit to live amongst the disarray.  She must have asked me to clean my room at least 10 times per week.  One time, in exasperation she said to me "your room is a reflection on how you live your life!!"  I poo-pooed this notion at the time, but it must have made an impression because I haven't forgotten it.

I have slowly, over the years, come to the realization that keeping ones' belongings and household organized is extremely important.  This becomes more challenging when you combine your household with a partner and/or children.  It is incumbent upon us as parent's to teach our children to be organized as well.  Knowing where things are, and where they belong, cuts down on chaos and and allows the day to go by more smoothly.  Since I am clearly challenged in the area of home organization, I decided to interview the expert.  Local Renaissance woman Heidi Robinson is my go-to home home organization guru.

Heidi maintains that the key to success with organizing is to have systems in place that are customized for you.  Many of the clients she works with run into the same challenges: they feel guilty about getting rid of things, they purchase bins and folders in an effort to become more organized, but this often leads to people having a large collection of nice containers, but they are no more organized for having purchased them.  Her clients inevitably feel "overwhelmed by stuff".  Heidi works with people to help them meet their goals, whatever those may be - downsizing, de-cluttering, reorganizing or even preparing for a move.  She helps them create simple systems.  These systems allow them to be able to put their fingers on things they need at a moment's notice, have permission to get rid of things that they don't need, and manage the flow of "stuff" into their lives/homes.  She encourages people to remember that upkeep is important!  Files must be gone through 1-2 times per year in order to purge the items that are superfluous.  Heidi is a great resource, and well worth the investment in her fees (which are tailored to fit the job).    Heidi can be reached at 413-219-7433 or




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