Kate Iles

RECTANGLE Textiles Pop-Up Shop at Maple and Main Realty

We are excited to be hosting a pre-holiday Pop-Up shop at the Maple and Main Realty office (28 North Maple Street in Florence) next Thursday, December 11th from 5:30-7:30 pm - featuring local artist Adele Mattern's new line of textiles for the home, Rectangle Textiles (Facebook and Instagram as "Rectangle Textiles", www.rectangletextiles.com website to be launched soon!).  Special guest, Local Interior Designer [...]

Interesting Local Restoration Project

In the context of most other countries, the United States is relatively young, of course.  But living in New England, where Europeans settled here relatively early, we have access to a good deal of local history with regard to those settlers.  Just up the road from [...]

Matisse at Mt. Holyoke

One of the reasons I love living in Northampton is that although it is a relatively small city - there is so much culture to take advantage of here, and in neighboring cities and towns as well.  Take, for instance, the exhibit of rare Matisse drawings currently on exhibit at Mount Holyoke College Art Museum.  I think we will spend our [...]

Beyond Ikea - Thanks to Apartment Therapy!

Admittedly, I am an Ikea addict.  Whenever we travel to visit my in-laws, I make sure to leave enough room in our mini-SUV to accommodate a trip to the nearby Ikea, to stock up on all sorts of items that I may or may not need - but which give me great pleasure to shop for.  We recently sold our home in town, and moved to [...]

Real Estate Forecast Presented at Western NE University

In addition to the good news we received about mortgage rates once again dipping below 4%, we just caught wind of this interesting presentation to be sponsored by the Realtor Association of the Pioneer Valley.  If you'd like to find out more about current trends in the real estate market, this sounds like a great event to attend!

Economists to Present Real-estate and Economic Forecast on Oct. [...]

Leaf Peeping

The weather we have been blessed with in the past week reminds me why I love living in the Northeast, and, specifically, in Northampton.  Mild temperatures, clear skies, and insanely beautiful views of multicolored trees wherever you train your eyes.  I can't imagine living somewhere without real seasonal changes - and I feel lucky to live [...]

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