The snow has finally melted in our yard! I am amazed that the piles of leaves which I didn't manage to clear out in the fall have been perfectly preserved underneath the snow. In my fantasies, they had broken down and disappered during the long, cold winter. Alas, I still have some spring (formerly fall) clean up to accomplish. I thought I had left behind the motto of my 20's - "why do today what you can put off until tomorrow". but apparently, old habits die hard.
Every year, as spring unfolds, I have big ideas about all the yard work and landscaping I want to accomplish. I recently came across this wonderful landscaping/gardening blog away to garden. This particular piece gives great advice about tackling spring clean up, and prepping your yard for the spring planting season. There are a step-by-step instructions about which tasks to tackle first, so as not to get overwhelmed. Living in the Northampton area, we have a lot of spring and fall clean up to attend do, due to the many varieties of deciduous trees specific to the area. So unless you plan to hire one of the many landscaping outfits in the Pioneer Valley to do your clean up and landscaping/gardening for you - check out this helpful blog post.
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